
Still water

This right here is the most extraordinary water around! Let us tell you why.


still water

Vital’s still water is no ordinary water, and we firmly believe in its inherent goodness. Not to mention its extraordinary taste! Just one look at the natural composition and you’ll see that Vital water has many naturally occurring minerals like magnesium and potassium. This accounts for the high level of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in our water, as well as the extraordinary pH level of up to 7.6. Simply put, our water is extraordinary!

Our water is available in a range of convenient sizes at the most affordable prices: A bottle for that on-the-go lifestyle, for the active, and for enjoying at home. We even have an active bottle for sport events and Kids!

Minerals in

Vital water

Water carries nutrients to all the cells in our body, and oxygen to our brain. It helps us digest, hydrate and detoxify. But not all water is equal. The mineral content in spring water varies, and studies show that its higher mineral content can help us meet the recommended daily intake of certain nutrients. Vital spring water is naturally high in minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium.


Vital water

A pH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is on a scale of 0 to 14. A low pH is more acidic while a high pH is more alkaline. The human body likes to sit at a neutral pH of 7, but with many modern diets being more acidic, alkaline water can play a role in neutralizing the body’s pH levels. Vital Water has a naturally alkaline pH of up to 7.6. The minerals, hydration, and detoxification effects of natural spring water can be profound.

We answer your

Frequently asked questions

Still water is simply water without any fizz. This could refer to plain tap water, boiled water or Spring water. Spring Water refers specifically to water, like ours, that has been sourced from a natural spring.

Our Still Water comes from a Natural Spring. It is not “made” so much as captured from the source, filtered, and then bottled for you to enjoy.

Distilled water is a type of purified water that has had both contaminants and minerals removed. Our Vital Still Water is filtered to remove contaminants but we retain the natural minerals which are good for our bodies.

Even though carbonation lowers the pH level, multiple studies have shown that sparkling water hydrates you just as well as still water. This makes sense when you consider the only difference is that Sparkling Water has been carbonated (infused with bubbly carbon gas) in order to give it that much-loved fizz.

Mineral water is water from a spring that contains minerals such as salts and sulfur compounds. Mineral water can be still or sparkling depending on whether it has been carbonated.

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